Join the Rockport New Year’s Eve Planning Team and Share your Energy, Talent, and Creativity!

smiling attendees with buttons

For 27 years Rockport New Year’s Eve, Inc. (RNYE) has hosted a “small town, BIG celebration” consistently described as “simply amazing” by thousands of attendees who enjoy great music, fabulous performers, and rich variety at multiple venues within easy walking distance of each other in downtown Rockport.  We look forward to doing it again on December 31, 2024.

stiltwalkers and fans

Big events like this require many people who love to work side by side to create joy, fun, and an amazing experience for family, friends, the greater Cape Ann Community and beyond.  It all starts in the spring and continues right up to Dec. 31.  The work is both rewarding, and fun.

Los Sugar Kings

Our small RNYE team of dedicated volunteers is always eager for fresh input, new ideas, and energy and invites you to join us! Not sure where you would fit in?  No worries.  Interest and willingness to make a difference are all it takes – and the time commitment is up to you. Specifically, we welcome your assistance with any of the following:

* Fundraising, sponsorships, grant writing

* Event logistics

*Venue and volunteer coordination

* Graphic design

* Website support

* Publicity, social media, photography, videography

Jenny the Juggler and fans

Interested?  Want to learn more?  Please reach out to us at  We will be happy to answer any questions.

The future of our amazing “small town, BIG celebration” requires more of us working together to keep it going.  We look forward to hearing from you…and, YES, you will have fun! Thank you!